Working Safer Outside

With the hot summer we are experiencing in Perth, this can pose real issues for workers needing to be outside to complete their work.
Whilst employers have obligations to protect your safety, there are also ways of making your working life not only safer but more comfortable.

Wherever possible work in the shade or indoors. Where this is simply not practical, UV rated broad brimmed hats; light loose clothing (preferably long sleeved, collared and long legged for UV protection) will help protect against the suns damaging and dehydrating rays.
A minimum 30+ broad spectrum sunscreen and sunglasses to protect skin and eyes are essential, it is also important in Australia’s climate to ensure you use sufficient sunscreen and reapply as recommended.

We encourage our employees to ensure they are drinking an adequate amount of water (quantity is dependant on your personal needs) Freezing a refillable bottle overnight and taking it to work the next day is refreshing. There are electrolyte drinks on the market that are beneficial also. Staff vehicles fitted with airconditioning can be a welcome break for those on the road during the day.
Importantly, if you feel you need to acclimatize or have medical issues (not limited to but examples include pregnancy; recent illness etc) talk to your employer or seek medical advice. Stay cool & safe Smile emoticon

The Locksmith that Locals Trust

We supply & install all top quality brands & types of locks, keys, safes, door furniture & other general locksmith hardware, to suit your needs.

christmas locksmith dog

Christmas Hours

Merry Christmas from all of us at Advanced Lock and Key.

Our retail shop will be closed from the 25th of December until the 1st of January 2025.

We are trading with reduced staff for emergency road jobs on the 30th and 31st of December. We recommence trading as using from the 2nd of January 2025.

For emergencies over the festive season please call our emergency 24/7 locksmith on 08 9409 4440.